Wednesday, April 15, 2009

DAY 42

At 10am, everyone bring their baggage to the ground level of our hostel.

This is the teacher on the language school and he name called Ryan. He want to bring us to Wuhan airport but our teacher say not need.

Then the bus come to take us to the airport and we put our baggage below. We prepare to move out from his school.

This is the higher way that we will be going to airport.

When we reach the airport and we put our baggage into the airport.

Inside the airport and we still got time to walk around to find food to eat. Because some of them have not eat from the school.
I take the check-in baggage area before we departure the wuhan airport flight.
We take his bus to our plane and flight to guangzhou airport.

Can see everyone so happy to take plane to our home sweet home.This is our plane of china southern airline to guangzhou airport.
This is the arrivial hall of the guangzhou airport.
After check-in our baggage and we hurry up entering the check-in area because we only left 20min to take flight.
When the flight arriving at Singapore and we so happy to go back home to rest. The flight take us about 3 to 4 hours flight and we can not sleep well.
This is our teacher and his wife. His name called Mr Chua.

The End of the journey of Wuhan trip......

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