Thursday, March 5, 2009

my first assessment 1 of IS module


To : Mr Denry Ma
Trip Leader

From: Kwek Siew Bo / S10064498J
Learning skill on china trip

Subject: My learning Plan

Date: 05/03/2009

1. Learning objective
On this trip, I want to learn how to take care of myself and learn some knowledge on Wuhan places. Because this is important when you go to other country that you not familiar. Therefore, I must take care of myself and also going there learn on they are culture, communication, behaviour and technology. I have do some research on the Wuhan university. I know there have a few famous places in there such as Yellow Crane Tower, Wudang Mountain, temple, bridge and other famous places when I go there see by myself. I interested to find out have a few like the bridge how there link on the sea, the Wudang mountain is it have like people can fly like the television show like that and also there are famous food is it good or bad. It motivates me to know other country than our country. Because other country have 4 seasons in the year and Singapore don’t have the season. I will take his opportunity to know they culture, behaviour and know more friends over there.

2. Focus of inquiry
My focus on the china at least 3 that I want to know. Firstly, we know that china is very good in Chinese language and the sports like the Olympics almost every time winner. Therefore, I want to know how they train and work there. Secondly, most of the product in Singapore is made by the china like handphone battery, mp3/DVD player and other spare parts like hard disk case, pouch and container. Therefore, I want to find out is it china made cheaper than other country or only china can produce the technology like the electronic spare parts. Lastly, it was the Singapore favourite to find out that is food. On Dynasty that time, the capital must prepare about a few 100 of food for the king to eat. Therefore, we can compare the food over there. Is it good or fine on our imagine over the Wuhan.

3. Questions for investigation
· Compare the Singapore and the china eating habit or behaviour
· Food have spices
· The prices of the food is it expensive than our country
· The famous food over the Wuhan
· The eating amount is it a lot or less.

4. Development of global skills
· I will observe people do or not in the place that I don’t know.
· I will be patience to learn and listen on the people or the tour guide say.
· I will be open-minded to say the location on the people where we going to the location that we want to reach

5. Learning strategies
· My strategies of learning are through the internet of research but that is not a good chosen because it will also get us the wrong information on the research of our topic but I will gather all information on the internet and do the finish sort out.
· My strategies through the library research on the wuhan place. To find out what they have produce and the history on there.
· Last strategies through your friend that is came for the china and ask for information over there.

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